Looking for support? Here’s how to get help filing your taxes

Tax Refund Unlock

Unlock access to $350B of tax refunds for your users. Tax Refund Unlock helps users optimize withholdings on their paycheck. Give people access to the money that typically comes as a refund in each paycheck.

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Financial freedom for your users

75% of American tax filers receive a tax refund. A majority of those tax refund dollars are used to pay off debt and catch up on bills. With Tax Refund Unlock, you can help your users access those refund dollars year-round when they need them most.

How it works

Tax Refund Unlock helps users optimize withholdings on their paycheck. Give people access to the money that typically comes as a refund in each paycheck. With no loan. No credit products. Just optimized withholdings.

Embedded directly into your product

With Column Tax’s custom SDK, you can plug Tax Refund Unlock directly into your product ensuring seamless transitions for your users within your app.

Ready to get started?

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